Figure 1: Classification of fungi

Video 1: Fungi are Heterotrophic (1:59)

Video 2: Fungal Reproductive Structures (2:11)

Video 3: Aspergillus and Aspergillosis (3:08)

Video 4: See how mycorrhizae and mycorrhizal fungi absorb nutrients (0:59)

Video 5: Detecting Plant Diseases in the Lab (3:01)

Video 6: Leaf Rust and Other Rusts of Cereals (2:19)

Video 7: Norman Borlaug: A Lifetime Fighting Hunger (7:22)

Video 8: Oranges infected by Penicillium italicum (0:44)

Video 9: Alexander Fleming & Penicillin Discovery (1944) (3:09)

Video 10: Almanac: The discovery of penicillin (1:48)