I will let you know the room numbers when they are assigned.
It will be a multiple-choice
scantron exam with 50 questions (2 points per question). You should bring a pencil and
a blue UCD 2000 scantron form.
The mid-term will have 50 questions, worth 2 points each. 70%, or 35 of the questions will come directly from the Review Questions within the lectures. These Review Questions are your Study Guide. The remaining questions will come from the lecture notes themselves, not from the textbook unless that information is also in the lecture notes. The two exams (8am and 6pm) will have different questions but be of similar difficulty.
You must also bring a picture ID. We will check your ID when you turn in your exam.
If you are not able to take the mid-term at the scheduled time, let me know so that an earlier time can be arranged.
After the exams are graded, the questions, the answers, and your answers will be posted on the class lecture web site under the last 4 digits of your student id. Contact me if you want your actual exam or scantron returned to you. You can also view your grade by clicking on the Gradebook2 link of smartsite.ucdavis.edu.