You can find your score for the midterm (based on 200 points) in the Gradebook2 section of

On this page you will find the following:

1. Which questions you got right and which ones you missed. To do this, click on the link to the version of the midterm you took A, B, C or D. Find the last 4 digits of your student number and read across. You may have to look at more than one page for the exam you took to find your ID since the numbers are not in order. Each place you see a -, that means you got the question correct. Each place you see a letter, that's the incorrect response you put down. If there is a space, you did not answer that question. If there is a #, that means you put down 2 answers and I couldn't tell which one you really wanted.

2. A histogram of all test scores so you can see how well you did relative to the rest of the class.

3. Interactive versions of midterms A, B, C and D so you can refresh your memory of what the questions were.

What does all this mean? First of all, remember the midterm is worth 200 of the 1,000 points that make up your total grade. We are not going to actually assign a letter grade to the midterm scores. The scores generally range from the A to C level with more than half of the class getting a B or an A. If your score is lower than you like, you should study a lot harder for the final exam. Remember, it's the total number of points you have at the end of the quarter that's important, so be sure to work hard on the Term Essay.

If you need to actually see your scantron or exam, send me an email (

Version A, page 1 - Student Answers

Version A, page 2 - Student Answers

Version B, page 1 - Student Answers

Version C, page 1 - Student Answers

Version D, page 1 - Student Answers

Histogram of Scores

Midterm A

Midterm B

Midterm C

Midterm D