Several existing nematicides such as Metam-soidum (e.g. Vapam) and Enzone have been shown to move more effectively in water run applications than by applying to the soil surface and following with irrigation.

In such water run applications, it is important to try to move the treated water across the treatment area as rapidly and uniformly as possible. At times, this can be aided by a preirrigation, followed by waiting for the soil to drain to field capacity, and then applying the treatment.

Some type of barrier must be created to contain the treated water. Typically these are made of soil drawn up into a berm or levi surrounding the treated area. In these experimental Enzone applications to established prunes and almonds, diluted product was applied to basins created around individual trees.

In this preplant application on potatoes, berms were created around areas to be treated and treated water applied from gated irrigation pipe. A piston pump was used to pump the chemical into the irrigation line.

In this application of Metam-sodium, a trench was drawn down the center of the planting beds.

For experimental applications to turfgrass, a groove was cut into which a metal barrier could be inserted to contain the treated water

One problem with flood applications is controlling the area to be flooded. A broken berm can allow treated water to flow into unwanted areas, as happened in this flood application of DBCP on hops. Enough wave action can be created on a windy day to cause berms to break. Proper protective clothing and equipment should be quickly available if it should become necessary to repair a berm during a chemical application.