A. General Morphology

  1. Describe the relative size of plant feeding nematodes. (REVIEW)
  2. Name five to six life stages of plant-parasitic nematodes. (REVIEW)
  3. Describe the shape and size of the following nematodes at different life stages:
  4. Describe how nematode shape affects the choice of extraction method. (REVIEW)
  5. Define vermiform. (REVIEW)
  6. Describe the major difference between the vermiform stage and other nematode life stages. (REVIEW)
  7. Describe the feeding apparatus of plant-parasitic nematodes and how it is used to feed on plants. (REVIEW)
  8. List two groups of nematodes by common name that exhibit sexual dimorphism. (REVIEW)
  9. Describe the differences in shape between males and females in nematodes that exhibit sexual dimorphism. (REVIEW)
  10. Describe how nematodes move. (REVIEW)
B. Life Histories
  1. List the major environmental/ecological factors that influence the time it takes a nematode to complete its life cycle. (REVIEW)
  2. Identify the host(s) of some non-plant parasitic nematodes. (REVIEW)
  3. Define:
  4. List three ways ectoparasitic and endoparasitic species differ. (REVIEW)
  5. Identify by genus and common name the major ectoparasitic nematode groups. (REVIEW)
  6. Identify by genus and common name the major endoparasitic nematode groups. (REVIEW)
  7. List the two most economically important species of root-lesion nematodes on perennial crops in California by genus and species. (REVIEW)
  8. List the two economically important cyst nematodes in California by genus and species. (REVIEW)
  9. List five major root-knot nematodes in California by genus and species. (REVIEW)
  10. Compare and contrast the egg laying habits of:
  11. Define and give an example of a:
  12. Know the plant-parasitic nematodes that can survive for extended periods of time in dry soil or dry plant tissue. Be able to identify the survival stage(s):