DNA From the Beginning

I would like to introduce you to what I think is one of the best constructed biological sites on the web called DNA from the beginning . You are not required to visit this site, but if you do, I think you will really enjoy it.

The homepage for the site has a series of 41 links on the right hand side. The first 5 links listed under Classical Genetics cover the work of Mendel which we discussed today, but does so in a much more elegant way.

Along the upper edge of the homepage are a series of buttons (links) labeled CONCEPT, ANIMATION, GALLERY, AUDIO/VIDEO, BIO, PROBLEM, AND LINKS.

If you are feeling a bit fuzzy about today's lecture material, the buttons labeled CONCEPT, ANIMATION, AND PROBLEM for links 1 through 5 will be really helpful to you.

When you first click on links 1 through 5, they will lead you to the CONCEPT section which is a few paragraphs of introduction. Then click on the ANIMATION button and proceed through the animation by clicking on the icon that looks like a short piece of film strip to the upper right of the buttons. When you have finished the animation, then click on the PROBLEM button, and work your way through the problem.

This is another really interesting site that lets you interactively test your understanding of monohybrid and dihybrid crosses using Punnett Squares .