Lecture 11 - Macroevolution and Viruses - Wednesday, April 23


First Edition - pages 117 to 122, 203 to 204, 215 to 217, 6 to 7, 243 to 245.

Second Edition - pages 117 to 122, 201 to 202, 213 to 215, 6 to 7, 239 to 241.

Third Edition - pages 163 to 166, 208 to 210, 233 to 235, 8, 259 to 262.

Fourth Edition - pages 8-11, 156-160, 204-206, 244-247.

YouTube introduction to lecture (optional) (Audio - Important):

Please click on and read each topic. At the end of each topic there is also a direct link to the following topic
