Division of the Cytoplasm (Cytokinesis) in Plants vs Animals:

Cell Plate Formation Occurs in Plants:
  1. Plant cells form a cell plate (cellulose) that separates the two new cells.
  2. Vesicles containing building materials fuse with one another to form the disklike cell plate between the two new cells.
Cytoplasmic Division of Animal Cells:
  1. In animal cells, a cleavage furrow on the outer surface indicates that two new cells are forming.
  2. Contractile microfilaments pull the plasma membrane inward.
This web page from NLU in Chicago has animations of cytokinesis in both animal and plant cells. (Audio - Not Important)

This animation (Audio - Important) also describes the process of cytokinesis in animal and in plant cells.

This is a simple but effective animation of the cell cycle.

This is an excellent tutorial and animation on mitosis (Audio - Important).

In this time-lapse video, you can watch the entire development of the nematode C. elegans as it passes through many cycles of mitosis within an egg. This roundworm is used as a model system to study many aspects of biology. Hundreds of researchers at numerous colleges and universities throughout the world are engaged in studies with this one type of nematode.

REVIEW: The distribution of cytoplasm to daughter cells is accomplished during

REVIEW: Four of the five answers listed below are stages of actual nuclear division. Select the exception.
a. anaphase
b. prophase
c. interphase
d. telophase
e. metaphase