Visible Human

During the next few lectures, we are going to take a tour of the various systems of the human body. So, this would be a good time for you to become better acquainted with the various parts of the body. I know of no better way to do this than to visit the Visible Human website.

This site contains animations made from actual human images. A human body was frozen, then sections were shaved off in the transverse (cross-wise) plane. After each section was shaved off, the tissues of the main body were photographed, then another layer was removed traveling all the way through the body from head to foot. The photographs were then digitized to create a three dimensional matrix of the body from which sections in other directions (e.g. saggital or from the side) could be created. First take a look at this animation of a saggital (side) view of the human and see how many organs you can pick out.

If your not sure what you're looking at, try this saggital view with organs color coded. Now tell me that's not pretty cool.

Now that you know what you're looking at, look at the same organ systems from the transverse (cross-wise) perspective.

If all this is moving too quickly for you, there is a series of single annotated images where you can click to have individual organs outlined for you.

This animation (No Audio) will help you become better acquainted with directional terms used to describe animals.