This course is cross listed as BIS 10V and NEM 10V. After reading the introductory material, I will ask you to take a short quiz to be sure you understand what you have read. Don't worry, all of the questions are within the Syllabus, and you can take the quiz as often as you want until 5:00 pm Wednesday April 16, until you get all the questions correct. The quiz will be worth 10 points towards your final grade.

If you are not comfortable using the web, please contact me via email (, so that we can arrange a time to get together when I can show you the basics.

Web Information:

For this course, you must have ready access to the Internet, a current web browser, e-mail, and be reasonably proficient with these electronic tools. You will also need a word processor program such as MS Word. Arranging for computer and web access is your responsibility. There are a number of computer labs on campus that can be used.

If you do not already have one, you should get a UC Davis email account. You can do this at IT-Express in the Shields Library. You will be responsible for any communications sent to you via UC Davis email and should check your UC Davis email several times a week.

Advertising: Some of the web sites we will be visiting, will contain annoying advertisements. I will never ask you to buy anything offered for sale on the web. Try to develop your concentration skills to the point where you can ignore these ads altogether.

Getting Lost on the web: My goal is to not have you get lost and be wandering around the web. I have been teaching this course online since 2002, so I hope we have worked out most of the bugs. You need to help me out by letting me know if you are getting lost and if my instructions are not clear. Within each of the lectures are links that you need to click on to access information that you need to look at as part of the course. These should show up in your browser window in a different color and/or be underlined. Most of the time there is a link, a page will open up in a new browser window or as a new tab. This could happen a little differently depending on which browser you are using. It is also possible to open a second browser and access the course a second time. What works best for me, is to have a window open on the left side of my screen for the lecture text, and a second window on the right side for visuals. Feel free to experiment to find the best arrangement for yourself.

Web sites with audio: Some of the web sites we visit will have audio as well as video content. If you don't already own a set, you should consider buying a small, inexpensive set of earphones to use for the course. If you are using a computer with speakers, keep this in mind if others are in the room trying to concentrate on something else. If you are in a computer lab, you will not be able to hear the audio unless you plug into an earphone jack located on or near the computer. I will try to indicate if a site has audio content and if it is important for you to hear it.

Web sites with video or animations: My lectures will be illustrated with photos, videos, and animations. These, of course, will load more rapidly if you have a computer with a relatively fast processor and a wireless or hard-wired network connection or DSL modem. If you are not so lucky, I suggest having something else to work on while the graphics are loading. The video animations will need Windows MediaPlayer, Real Player or QuickTime Player to work. Some will work with all three, some with only one and some with two of the players. If you work on a Mac, you may need to download and install Windows MediaPlayer from the Windows web site. If you work on a PC, you may need to download QuickTime Player from the Apple Web Site. I suggest trying the videos first because the software may already be installed on your computer.

Many of the graphics will also need Flash or Shockwave Player. If these are not already installed on your computer, you will be informed of this when you click on the link to the graphic and be prompted to install it. These programs seem to be updated every few months, so don't be surprised if you are asked to download an upgrade. All of these add-ons are free. iPhones and iPads can access the lecture text, but will not play Flash videos.