Forums / Virtual Office

The Forums link in SmartSite will serve as a Virtual Office for the course. If you have general questions about the class or any of the assignments, the Virtual Office is the place to ask them. If you have personal questions or private matters to discuss with the TAs or the instructor, email is more appropriate. The Virtual Office is also a location where your TA will share important information with you. You are responsible for checking the Virtual Office at least every other day (e.g. Monday, Wednesday, Friday) during the course for new information that may have been posted.

To access the Virtual Office, click on the link to Forums in the left hand column of the SmartSite homepage for the course (

During the first three weeks of class, you must do a single practice posting to demonstrate that you understand how to access the Virtual Office and to ask questions. To get credit for your practice posting, you must post this sentence: "This is my practice posting." This posting will be worth 20 points towards your grade. This practice posting must be done by 5:00pm on Wednesday April 16.

You should use complete sentences for your postings. Do not use texting abbreviations. It is your responsibility to check the Virtual Office to be sure that your practice posting has been received. If you can't find your posting, neither can your TA, and you will not receive credit for it.

Confine your postings to information relevant to the class. Inappropriate postings will be removed by your TA and 10 points will be deducted from your grade for each inappropriate posting.

REVIEW: Which of the following is true about the Virtual Office?
a. The Forums feature of SmartSite will function as a Virtual Office for questions concerning the course.
b. You are responsible for checking the Virtual Office at least every other day (e.g. Monday, Wednesday, Friday) during the course for new information that may have been posted.
c. During the first three weeks of class, you must do a single practice posting to demonstrate that you understand how to access the Virtual Office and to ask questions.
d. Your practice posting must be done by 5:00pm on Wednesday April 16.
e. It is your responsibility to check the Virtual Office to be sure that your posting has been received.
f. All of the other answers are correct.