Once at the smartsite.ucdavis.edu page, click on the link in the upper right hand portion of the page that says "Login". You will be prompted to enter your user name and password (the same ones you use to access other password protected UC Davis sites). Do this and you will be taken to your homepage for smartsite.ucdavis.edu.
Click on the link to BIS 010V or NEM 010V General Biology. This will take you to the homepage for your section of the course. Note that if it is still Winter Quarter when you read this, you will first need to switch to Spring 2012.
Along the left edge of the page you will see links for:
LINK TO LECTURES: will open up an index page in a separate window that has links to the Syllabus and Lectures.
WHAT'S GOING ON HERE: is just a brief overview of the course for those wondering what this online course is all about.
ALTERNATE LINK TO LECTURES: is a link to a commercial server on which I have put a backup copy of the lectures in case the SmartSite server should be down for some reason. Please use the SmartSite location whenever possible because I have to pay for the alternate site.
It's important for you to understand that smartsite.ucdavis.edu does not work reliably with all browsers. If you are going out of town and will be using a computer you are not familiar with, you may have problems using smartsite.ucdavis.edu if the computer does not have a compatible browser on it. You may also have problems if the computer has different security settings and software than the one you normally use (e.g. software to block pop-ups and cookies). Plan ahead so you do not have problems doing your discussion postings and submitting your essays. Take your TA's email address with you so you can let them know if you are having a problem.
If you are only going to be looking at the lecture information, you do not need to start with smartsite.ucdavis.edu and will not need to enter a username and password to access the lectures. I recommend that you bookmark both lecture sites if you will primarily be using one computer during the course. As an alternative, print out a copy of this page so you will have them available if needed.
Here are the two lecture links:
SmartSite: https://smartsite.ucdavis.edu/access/content/user/00002950/bis10v/12index.htm
Alternate Site: http://www231.pair.com/fzwester/courses/bis10v/12index.htm
Forums: This is the link to your Virtual Office where you can ask questions about the course, find answers to questions that others have asked, and where your TA will share important information with you. During the first 3 weeks of the course (April 2 - April 20), you must post a single practice posting to demonstrate that you understand the procedure for asking questions. The Syllabus has a link to Virtual Office with additional information on how to do your practice posting.
Assignments: Here you will find links you will need to use to submit components of the GE Writing Experience. Your TA will be providing you with additional information on the GE Writing portion of the course.
Tests and Quizzes: Here you will find a link to the Introductory Quiz that you should take after reading the Syllabus. You will be given the questions and answers for the quiz in the Syllabus. The quiz is just to be sure you have read and understood the mechanics of the course. You can take the quiz as many times as you want until 5:00pm on Wednesday April 18, until you get a perfect score. You will then receive 10 points towards your final grade.
I suggest taking the quiz as soon as you can. If you ask questions on course mechanics that are answered in the Syllabus, before you take the quiz, your TA or I may ask you to re-read the Syllabus and take the quiz before we answer your questions.
Also, after you take the Final Exam, under Tests and Quizzes you will find the link for the Course Evaluation that will be worth 5 points towards your final grade. There is more information on this in the Syllabus under the Course Evaluation link.
Gradebook2: This is where your TA and I will enter your points for the Introductory Quiz, Essays, Virtual Office practice posting, Midterm, Final, and Course Evaluation. At the start of the course, you should be able to see all of these categories in the gradebook. At times, while we are grading various categories, some of the categories may disappear, so that we may enter grades and release them all at once. Don't worry, they will return. Just so there is no cofusion, I do not get to name the gradebook. Gradebook2 is the name chosen by the developers of smartsite.
Email: I or your TA will
use a class email list as needed to send you important information. You should check your UC Davis
email and the Virtual Office several times a week so you don't miss something important. Please
read the Syllabus before asking questions about the mechanics of the course.