Recording data:
It is useful to make a list of things that should be recorded while in the field and to record as much as possible while in the field rather than at a later date.
Listed below are things that should be considered.
- plot name
- location
- plot map
- which way is north
- persons present
- how to return to the same location
- host
- nematode
- number of treatments
- experimental design
- plot size (length and width of each replicate)
- crop row width
- number of replicates
- take a soil sample for physical data analysis
- soil type (percent sand, silt, clay)
- percent organic matter
- pH
- soil temperature
- percent soil moisture (important for fumigation treatments)
- general weather conditions
- type of irrigation
- fertilizer
- weed and pest control
- application dates
- methods of application and incorporation
- planting date
- harvest date
- closest weather station
- previous cropping history
- previous nematicide use
- For chemicals record -
- type of formulation
- names and amounts of active ingredients
- lot number
- date received
- amount of water or other material used to dilute product
- band width
- depth of application
- shank spacing
- time between application and incorporation
- application rate
- sample rate calculations
Either still photos or video can be useful data either for explaining the research in future presentations or for refreshing your memory at a later date.